“Every art and every inquiry, and similarly every action and pursuit, is thought to aim at some good, and for this reason the good has rightly been declared to be that at which all things aim.”
Who is the real wants of sorts for their sake? All the things that we want for us are goodness. We aim always well for ourselves. All human activities aim some good. They always do things for their own good. Doing good things make us happy and others too. Every individual has their own happiness. Even though how many times you have finished a work or a masterpiece that everyone loves, you are not still happy because you don’t like the things that you are doing. You always find you’re happiness and the things that make you feel complete. We always expect for good result for all the things that we have done but all ends do not lead to happiness. Sometimes expectation hurts us. If we always expect for good at the end of the day, we might just hurt our own feelings. But how can we blame ourselves if we do everything just to accomplish our goals. Happiness can be found in the end of an action. The outcome of an action is what makes happiness different for each individual.
Aristotle believed that the good was happiness but how can a person attain his happiness? We do everything just to attain our own happiness. Others said that if we are contented to the things and people that we have, that are the happiness, but what if people do not know how to be contented. They always ask for more. They never been contented on the things that they have. Happiness is the pursuit of our wants or desires. But still I believed that at some point of their life they will realize the true happiness of life. Maybe not now but sooner or later we can have that.
Danica Anna Pullon
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